Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What Is "Simplicity Homemade"

Hi there! (waving to you from the front door)  Please do come in and let me tell you what this blog is about.  I just pulled some fresh cinnamon rolls out the oven and made a fresh cup of coffee… please come and share with me.

What does “Simplicity Homemade” mean to me.  Well to be honest I wanted the name “Homemade Simplicity”…lol but that was of course taken, I mean who wouldn’t want a name that evokes slow pace, quality, stillness, peace, comfort, joy, hard work, working with one’s hands, good food, etc.  So I had to make those two magical words work somehow for my blog name so I decided on “Simplicity Homemade”. 

The word “Simplicity” to me, evokes a thought of butter churns, open cook fireplaces, homemade corn husk dolls, quilts, rocking chairs, gardens, basics, family, self sufficiency, hard work, slower paced, sustainability… I could go on but I am sure you would want me to stop...lol!  The word “Homemade” actually evokes some of the same thoughts to me as well and a few others...such as homemade foods, home sewn clothing, working with your hands, creativity, unpretentious décor, coziness, warmth, comfort, grandma, yesteryear...ok, I’ll stop there. 

So, this is what this blog is to me, it is a mix of all the things that I have come to love and embrace and I am so grateful that I get to choose to deliberately live this way.  We are so blessed to live in a country where we get to choose the lifestyle in which we want to live despite of governments, politicians, etc.  Just look at the Amish!  Look at all the different sites and blogs of people who chronicle there deliberate lifestyles, how BLESSED we are to be in this country! 

Ok, so if you enjoy these things as well I hope we can enjoy them together and share many ideas, recipes, do it yourself tips, “Grandma'sPantry” ingredients, etc. I am so excited to meet others who deliberately chose to live there life in a “Simplicity Homemade” fashion! 

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